Friday, April 26, 2013

Corruption Currents: From New Aid For Syrian Rebels to Bitcoin Compliance Challenges | International the Avanti Group News Blog

A Spanish court announced last week that a decision will come in May on whether to exclude Princess Cristina from a corruption probe targeting her husband. (AFP)

The FCPA Blog continues its series on white-collar crime victims, and notes that Moscow issued an arrest warrant for William Browder. The FCPAProfessor reflects on a year since Wal-Mart Stores Inc. went under the FCPA microscope. Mike Volkov warns on the danger of “proactive” FCPA probes. Tom Fox provides 10 steps to resolve a front-page crisis. discusses civil recovery rewards in the U.K, saying they’re still on the SFO menu.

Miller Chevalier released its spring FCPA review.
Pakistan released a list of journalists who allegedly received bribes from the information ministry. (Dawn)
David Uhlmann, the former head of the Department of Justice’s Environmental Crimes Section, will present findings on deferred- and non-prosecution agreements at a conference in Washington, D.C. (Corporate Crime Reporter)

CISPA moves on to the Senate, which is working on its own cybersecurity legislation. (The Hill)
The Pentagon, for the first time, detailed $30 million in spending on Air Force cyberattack operations and significant new Army funding and staff needs for exploiting opponent computers. (Mashable)

The European Union’s internal fraud office is at loggerheads with a supervisory panel to oversee its independence. (EUObserver)

Money Laundering:
The exchanges that buy and sell Bitcoin are scrambling to beef up their anti-money laundering compliance processes but it may not be enough for them to keep access to the banking services they need to operate. (Thomson Reuters Corporate Compliance Complete sub req)

The dozens accused of participating in an international operation of illegal gambling and money-laundering worth more than $100 million all pleaded not guilty. (AP, NY Times)

The Bundesbank rebuffed an attempt by Italian prosecutors to freeze assets held by Nomura Holdings Inc. because it hasn’t received a request valid under German law, a source told Bloomberg.
The latest on the trial of reputed Zetas cartel members is here. (San Antonio Express-News)

The chief Hong Kong prosecutor wants the ability to seize assets without a criminal conviction. (South China Morning Post)

A man wanted by Switzerland on suspicion of stealing confidential banking information now being used by international financial investigators said U.S. officials advised him to flee to Spain. (AP)
A deeper look at the forthcoming Europol report on Montenegro being a money-laundering center is here. (OCCRP)

The OECD called out 14 countries, including Switzerland, for lagging behind in the global hunt for tax cheats. But automatic tax information exchange took a big step forward last week. Public outrage stoked by the “Offshore Leaks” series helped lead the charge for tax information exchange. (Reuters, Ann Hollingshead, Global Financial Integrity, NY Times)

The U.S. will double its non-lethal military aid to the Syrian rebels, who will get nearly $130 million in supplies that could include body armor, armored vehicles, night vision goggles and advanced communications equipment. There are concerns that some of the aid could land in the hands of the Nusra Front, which recently announced a merger with al Qaeda in Iraq. To prevent it, the U.S. and its allies agreed to channel all aid through the recognized branch of the opposition. (The Hill, NY Times, AP, BBC, Financial Times sub req, NPR, McClatchy)

Russia warned the EU not to lift an arms embargo on Syria despite lobbying by the U.K. and France. (Reuters, Reuters)

China’s envoy to North Korea will visit Washington to help head off a nuclear crisis. (NY Times)
Iran is seeking to export oil to North Korea to aid its economy, which has been battered by sanctions. (AP, Wall Street Journal)

U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said, when announcing an arms deal with Israel and Arab allies, that the compact is a signal to Iran. The U.N. nuclear agency is talking with Iran to set a date for discussions on resuming an investigation there. The U.K. doesn’t think new sanctions are needed.  (Reuters, Reuters, Reuters)

A new body led by the former chief of Olympus Corp. and the  dean of St Paul’s Cathedral is aimed at making it easier to raise the alarm on corporate or government misconduct. (Financial Times sub req)
Another review of the “War on Whistleblowers” is here. (Colombia Journalism Review)

General Anti-Corruption:
Once again, ousted Egypt leader Hosni Mubarak was ordered to be released on one charge but to remain held on another. (Reuters)
China is cracking down on corruption by arresting anti-corruption activists. (NY Times)
The latest on a campaign finance trial involving aides to the New York City comptroller is here. (NY Times)
New York voters want to see more politicians busted for corruption, and they say their representatives might be next. (NY Times, NY Daily News)

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